About Us

Welcome to Meadows Christian Fellowship!

We have been here in Rolling Meadows since its early days as a city. We love our city and our surrounding community! Our passion and purpose is helping people to KNOW Jesus Christ through faith, LOVE Him through worship, and BECOME like Him by living out His word the best we know how. This is our mission, and we pursue it in fellowship, as a diverse, inter-generational group of people, on a spiritual journey, learning to love God and each other...together.

Whatever your faith background, no matter where you’ve been or who you are, you're welcome here. Click around here to find out more about us. We hope to see you soon!

We look forward to meeting you!

Learn more about MCF and plan your Sunday morning visit here.

Worship starts at 9:30am and typically runs about 75 minutes.

Available for kids age 3 and under Please check in prior to bringing your child to the Nursery.

Stay and worship with family Kids' Time during the service Grab an activity bag.

In the Narthex (just outside the back of the sanctuary).

Plan Your Visit

The main entrance has a welcome sign over the top. Our friendly greeters will be waiting to welcome you and answer any questions you might have! 

Expect to see a range of attire, from jeans and tees to suits and dresses. Come dressed comfortably for you! While we come to worship God and believe He is worthy of our best, we also believe that He cares far more about our hearts than our clothes. 

Our God is worthy of praise, so we worship Him every week through music. We sing a mix of songs, from hymns of the church to modern worship songs.

Prayer allows us to talk to God and grow closer to Him. God delights in our prayers and works through them, so prayers are frequently led from the front.

Through teaching grounded firmly in the Bible, we learn what God has revealed about Himself and what He desires for us. Every Sunday, we listen to what God has to say, and we strive to apply His word to our daily lives beyond the walls of the church.

Yes! At Meadows we have KLB Hour, a name that comes from our desire to help people Know, Love, and Become like Jesus Christ. Classes for all ages are held at 11 am, shortly after the worship service ends.

Scroll down for more info on KLB Hour.

We're so glad you're here!

Fill out this Connection Card and we will be in touch

Watch Online

You may also watch our livestream and past services on YouTube!

Know, Love, Become Hour

Join us for KLB Hour each Sunday after the service from 11-12pm. Our goal is to dig deeper into God's Word and learn what it means to become more like Jesus as we interact with those around us.

Middles & Bigs

Ages infant-5th grade.
Meets in Rooms 214 and 215


Grades 6-12.
Meets downstairs in Room 107

Adult classes

Mixed Men's and Women's Group meets in Fellowship Hall

Women's Class meets in Room 110

Caring Friends Group meets in Room 206 (Workroom)