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Praise the Lord!

Praise, O servants of the Lord,

    praise the name of the Lord!

Blessed be the name of the Lord

    from this time forth and forevermore!

From the rising of the sun to its setting,

    the name of the Lord is to be praised!

Psalm 113:1-3

The call to worship from the Psalms couldn’t be more clear. Worship is not an option. It’s not something to be squeezed into our agendas, if only we can find some spare time. 

The name of the Lord is to be praised. God must be worshiped, from sunup to sundown, and into eternity.

If he wanted to, our all-powerful God could herd people together and drive them to their knees in forced obeisance. But he doesn’t. Instead he has called you and me into a gracious and loving relationship through the saving power of Jesus. We don’t simply have to worship him. We get to.

Join us this Sunday as we praise the name of our gracious God together. For our families with youngsters we have childcare available throughout the service for ages 3 and under. We also feature a special Kids’ Time and activity bags during the service for all young worshipers. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Michael Mackens will continue our new series on The Fruitful Life as we examine the spiritual fruit of PEACE.

Take the time to prepare for worship by engaging with the Scripture and songs for this week. Ask God to use our time together to draw you closer to Him, to build up His church, and to glorify Himself. This week’s song playlist can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Everything you need to know about our Sunday worship services can be found on our website.

See you soon!   