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Oh sing to the Lord a new song;

sing to the Lord, all the earth!

Sing to the Lord, bless his name;

tell of his salvation from day to day.

Declare his glory among the nations,

his marvelous works among all the peoples!

Psalm 96:1-3

The Psalms are such a rich expression of worship. Often it can be easy to read the Psalms at a surface level because going into it we feel like we already know what they are going to be about. But as is true of all of Scripture, it’s a healthy spiritual exercise to slow down and really take in what the Psalms are saying, and then to truly reflect on how it applies to our lives. 

Look at the verbs: sing, tell, declare. These words are strong imperatives as they exhort us in our worship of the Lord. We are to sing. But look closer. We are to sing in what direction? To the Lord. our songs are directed to him as the object of our praise. We are also called to tell. We must “tell of his salvation from day to day.” This instruction is calling us to be daily witnesses to the saving power of Jesus Christ in our lives. Then we are to declare. This declaration is a means of proclaiming God's glory and the marvelous things he has done. And it goes beyond the walls of the church building as it goes out across the globe to all nations and all peoples. 

Notice too, looking back at the very first verse, that it’s almost as if our gathering to sing to the Lord fuels our telling and our declaring. The worship of the church brings glory to God, yes. And it also builds up the church in faith - inspiring and equipping us to be God’s ambassadors to a lost world. 

Join us in worship this Sunday as we sing, read Scripture, and pray. For our families with youngsters we have childcare available throughout the service for ages 3 and under. We also feature a special Kids’ Time and activity bags during the service for all young worshipers. In this week’s sermon, NextGen Pastor Innocent Shema will continue our new series on The Fruitful Life with a message about how relationships are foundational to bearing fruit in our lives.

There is so much more packed into Psalm 96. Take the time to read it this weekend slowly and prayerfully as you engage with the Scripture and songs for this week. Ask God to use our time together to draw you closer to Him, to build up His church, and to glorify Himself. This week’s song playlist can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Everything you need to know about our Sunday worship services can be found on our website.

See you soon!   